Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Dis Soul again

Speculations continue in terms of who/what/where/when/why "DisSoul" is mentioned in the trailer. One of the theories over on the kh-vids forum is that a "Dis Soul" is a being without a soul. That is, someone who's SOUL was taken.

Uh-huh. Wouldn't that be a Heartless though? I was under the impression that the Heartless kept a "captive heart", and lacked a soul themselves. So, the "Heartless" was a being that was nothing more than a ball of instinct with no memories(. Nothing but a Heart and a Body. A "Nobody" would be the being that had a body and soul(the memories and incomplete emotions), but no Heart. So, a "Dis-Soul" should be a being that has NO body, but rather a Heart and a Soul. Sort of like a ghost or a Wil-O-Whisp.

But, if I'm wrong about a "Heartless", then a "Dis-Soul" would be a being with a Heart and a Body, but zippo memories and is still incomplete because of it. They would be searching, or chasing their corresponding Nobody. As in, the memories.

Hmmm...could Xehanort have been a "Dis Soul"? Heart, Body, but no memory, which would explain why he was so desperate to search for his own memories. Just that if simply having no memory means being a "Dis Soul", then someone with Alzheimer's or massive memory loss could be a "Dis Soul". Probably not though since it seems to me that the "Soul" carries some emotion, so the loss of it would mean the loss of memories and the more "negative" emotions or "simple" emotions. So, Xehanort's negative emotions were probably muted thanks to the loss of his soul. He did not like this very much, I guess, so he figured that by losing his "Heart", he would lose the more complex emotions(like, Romantic Love, which is always both a heaven and a hell) AND the positive emotions(like say, compassion).

I guess he figured that since his Heart was OMG strong, then he would end up with a new Soul as a Nobody(because of Xehanort's new memories), and through completion as a whole new person, he'd get his memories back, or something.

He did say himself that Anger and Hate reign supreme, and having a Heart would get in the way of that. Course if he is a "Dis Soul", then you have to wonder how he lost his original soul, so to speak and what the hell became of it?

I think it's best to go with Occam's Razor and say that "Dis Soul" simply means "this soul" as a way of referring to another person. Or, it's a ghost of some kind. I like my first theory better(simply someone consumed by revenge. DiZ Soul).

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