Thursday, June 7, 2007

Dis isn't going away

Now KH Insider is doing it, and the board topic is over eight pages long. Yikes. The theory there is that a "Dis Soul" is just the body. So, if someone's Heartless is still around, but the "Nobody" is killed, then the body is all that remains. So, it's someone who not only doesn't have a Heart, but also doesn't have a Soul. Sounds like a cleric from Equilibrium to me or a robot. However, the OP claimed that he got the translation wrong, so it doesn't look like that's the case.

I would think that a body without a Soul or a Heart would be boring as hell. Not much for characterization there unless they're Kos-Mos of Xenosaga fame.

The DiZ theory was also rebuked because the Japanese spellings were different too, but the only difference was the LETTER. So, it's still possible that "Dis Soul" is just a manipulation of a "DiZ", so people can't just say "AHAHAH! Other people calling themselves DiZ exist."

Course the thread is a mess of arguments about who is what in terms of the Enigmatic Soldier battle. Sheesh.

Of course the good that came out of all the kerfluffle is the name Renoath. Take "X" out of Xehanort, and you've pretty much got that name since I can't imagine anyone being names Another or No Heart. Before the Dis Bruhaha came out, I thought that Xehanort may have already been a Nobody. Just that how can you lose your Heart AGAIN? Unless, he has multiple Hearts or a half one. Still, when Xehanort became a Nobody, he took Ansem's name and became who we all know. I guess he has some identity issues or he didn't want to be recognized as "Xehanort".

Blagh. I don't know, but I highly the "Dis" DIScussion is going away anytime soon.

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