Friday, April 13, 2007

Axel, Axel, Axel

Hey, I DID say I'd update everyday! Yes. Anyway, I have a couple of graphics of Axel from the second Chain of Memories battle. Just looking at the start of the battle reminds me of just how odd he looks. Not in a bad way, just in a way that says, "I will kill you" without raising his voice.

Anyway, I managed two graphics from the battle(I had four, but I picked the two that looked the best). They're simple, but at least they make me used to using Photoshop again! If you want to use them, go right ahead. Linking back to my blog is appreciated, but it's not an absolute requirement. While the graphics are mine, the character is not. He is from Disney/Square Enix. One quote is from the movie 300, but actually was a Spartan saying since they didn't believe in surrender. Come on, Axel is not the kind of person who'd surrender. The other is something I've always imagined Axel saying. I have some others, but I'll reveal those a bit later. Anyway, enjoy!

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