1. "If Goofy still remembers, then I won't forget anytime soon."
So Goofy has memory problems too. Awww, Demyx isn't alone after all.
2. "People who lose their hearts also lose their minds, their feelings...They're consumed by the darkness."
When Larxene says this, it looks like she enjoys saying it. Almost like, "If I have to be this way, then so do you."
3. Right. But that didn't happen to Sora. He held on to his feelings, even as a Heartless. Only one other man ever managed to do that."
Who, Demyx? Yea, I wish, but it's never mentioned who it is. When I saw that, I thought "Kairi", but no, since she isn't a man and was never a Heartless, that can't be her. Then I thought that it might have been Xemnas. Why not? He's pretty damned powerful and the Org Leader. His "Heartless" seemed like nothing more than an extension of himself while using his master's name. Then again, Xemnas is cold as ice and full of malice, just like the vast majority of the Organization. He's as "Heartless" as the rest of them, it seems. It could not be Riku because he was never a Heartlesss. I don't think the "other man who ever managed it" was ever mentioned, unless it is, in fact, Xemnas.
But, you know what? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it turned out to be Demyx after all. I don't think you'd need to be chosen by the Keyblade to hold on to your feelings like that. I say this because Demyx is the only one in the Org who claimed that they had Hearts. I really don't believe he's a good actor and I always believed that his feelings were not phony in any way. Then again, I tend to agree with the novels in that the Org members DO feel, they're just incomplete, so to speak, so the emotions they DO feel tend to be either weak or on the negative side, but nearly all of them are full of malice. I've always said this, and still believe that Demyx is the only one who never really did, not even when he was provoked. Scary, sure(Silence, Traitor! Oh ho ho ho), but never truly malicious.
Why am I talking about Demyx? Technically, I'm not supposed to know who he is at this point. Also, if he were the other one, then wouldn't he be more than marginalized? Heh. Oh, it could be Diz, but was he ever a Heartless? I don't think so...Anyway...
Axel: "What makes his heart shine like that? What sleeps in his most secret depths?"
That should be obvious. Course that would also explain why Axel craved a close friend so much. At least I think so.
Alice in Wonderland is next at this point, but it doens't look like the Disney stars will be up on Youtube anytime soon.
Floor Five
1. Ah, Donald. Demanding like he always is. Not that I blame him at this point.
2. Again, Namine seems pretty smug as she's drawing those pictures. That's not to say that she's some psychopath, but I think that while she doesn't want to be stuck in a Castle, she doesn't seem to mind messing with Sora's memories. Almost like she wants so much to be included, that she puts herself as part of Sora's "playgroup", so to speak. She knows it's wrong, but does it anyway, and it's not necessarily because she has no choice. This has actually been addresed before in other fan groups, I just never thought anything of it until now. Course it's still early in COM and I haven't see the old version in quite awhile, so moving right along.
Floor Six
1. Oh good grief. Here comes the Axel/Larxene fodder! Anger sex, ahoy!

Axel: BLARGH! Don't touch me, you bitch!
Jurhael: AHAHHHA! Better you than Demyx!
Axel: Shut up, or I'll kill you!

You have to admire Larxene's nerve. I don't know of many people who would DARE touch Axel like that. Hell, not even Roxas would have the nerve, I bet. I'm also willing to bet that Larxene knows that Axel doens't like her touching him, but she does it anyway! HEE! She's a Goddess!
That being said, I don't "Ship" Axel/Larxene, myself. With het, it's Marluxia/Larxene all the way! OH yes!
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