Floor 2 .
"Yeah, just about anything could happen here in Castle Oblibbity...uh, Oblostemy..."
Oblostemy, Goofy? Sounds like a medical procedure. Check out Donald though:

"Oblivion! O-B-L-I-V-I-O-N! Got it---oh wait..."
Doesn't he remind you of someone? Think about it. Remember when Sora met Axel for the first time in KH2 at Hollow Bastion? Axel and Donald have very similar mannerisms, and you know that Demyx would pulling the same stuff that Goofy often pulls. Awhile ago, some of the fans have equated Axel and Demyx with Donald and Goofy, and I can certainly see why. Course the main difference would be that Axel/Demyx are often "paired", but Donald/Goofy would never be seen that way. I would say that's for the best. There's just something about Disney that says, "DO NOT SLASH!"
As for the rest of the scene, I find it unsettling that they'd forget Hollow Bastion so easily. One would think it would have taken a little longer. Guess not.
There's quite a bit about Aladdin that's being bypassed in the vidoes, but it makes sense since more people care about the Organization than about Disney.
Floor Three
Let's first start with Namine:

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind--on PAPER!"
She looks surprisingly smug here. At least I think so. Kind of creepy, which is something I've never accused Namine of being until now.
The rest of it is the usual friendship rapport between the Three KH Musketeers.
"Sora: Hey, Donald... Back when I was a Heartless, who was the one who clobbered me, hmm?
Donald: THAT's what you should be forgetting!
Sora and Goofy laugh.
Sora: Ha ha ha!"
Yea, I don't blame Donald for wanting to forget THAT blast from the not-so-distant past. Olympus is supposed to be after this, but like anything Disney and Final Fantasy, it'll be taking a back seat to the ORG scenes. Like I said, not much of a surprise.
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