Tuesday, April 10, 2007

GRAR! Youtube!

I never knew that Youtube had trouble with some of the more popular vidoes. It seems that if a video is new/viewed too much too early, then it's just not available. Something like that. Kh-vids.net had some new stuff up(namely floor 13. Hurrr! That's Roxas's number), but it's not ready to be viewd just yet. It's a long one, so expect a long update. This is where Axel is not his most masochistic. This is Axel at his most sadistic. Or was that for Zexion? Ehehehe.

I found some Disney COM stuff on Youtube and this bloggie is for all characters rather than just a select few, I'll blabber about them too. I just want Chapter 13 first. Yes!

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