Sunday, June 1, 2008

I wonder if anyone from Dirge of Cerberus will appear in Kingdom Hearts? Honestly, I doubt it. There's DARK and then there's D-A-R-K. Nero the Sable could give Zexion a run for his money, that's for sure.

I bet the Tsviets could hold their own quite nicely against ORG 13.

Come to think of it, the Tsviets were said to be part of a 13th Order in Deepground SOLDIER(Ragnarok?), but were beaten by a 14th order(The Restricters). Roxas is #13 and the new members is 14. Could SHE be some sort of "Restricter" for Roxas. If that's the case, then she wouldn't be a friend. I'm sure Axel wouldn't like that one bit, that's for sure.

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