Think Kingdom Hearts 2 is hard? HAH! You have no idea! Actually, you would if you played the first one! For me, the first Kingdom Hearts was easy on some parts, but unbearably difficult in others. Quite naturally, the unforgettable battles proved to be the most difficult, with the exception of Ansem. Anyway, here is the Top five most painfully difficult battles in Kingdom Hearts. Optional battles don't count.
Leon and Yuffie --I envy the person who managed to beat these two in less than two minutes. I'm sure it was easy for some people, but not to me. See, Yuffie wasn't the problem, Leon, on the other hand, was. He had some painful attacks. I'm really not sure if this particular battle was optional, because I think much of Olympus was, but I remember having to do it, so it's here.
Oogie Boogie -- The second part of the fight proved pathetically easy, but the first part? Hah. No. HARD! Have to hand it to Oingo Boingo though(yea, that's what I tend to call him), his battles have always been rather different than the norm. This particular battle has you spinning on a wheel, and the you have to jump on a platform to get to him and hit him. Sounds easy, except it's not. The timing has to be perfect, and while you're on the wheel, you get to deal with Oogie's traps and other beasties. I had a hard time with this one because my timing was off pretty often. Bah.
Maleficent -- Her dragon form proved easy, but the first form didn't. While her patterns were straightforward enough, but her spells were painful and hard to dodge. Plus, her rock platform moved around a lot and that made it hard for me to hit her.
Chernabog -- This boss proved to be one of the biggest nightmares EVER! I never suspected a fight like this and neither did Sora from the looks of it. I thought he'd be easy since he never moved, but he never had to. It's interesting to note that his arm movements while casting a fire spell are quite similar to Axel's. Coincidence? Yea, probably so. Anyway, what made this fight so painful was that while Chernabog spelt out his hit area, to get to it proved difficult thanks to his many fire/wind spells. Add that to the Three Stooges' flying all over the place, and you ended up with a battle where you easily lost control. However, I will say this this battled provided a most satisfying defeat.
Riku 2, aka Grass Skirt Riku -- At first, I had no problems with him, but the more I hit him, the more powerful he became. It didn't help that he sped up too! GAH! The gliding Sora did was nice, but it proved ineffective. In fact, just about everything I did proved ineffective. I'd rather not discuss how many times it took for me to beat him. In fact, the less said, the better.
And that's another "Top Five Down". Yay! Maybe next time the Lame Ducks will be next!
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