Saturday, June 2, 2007

Theory on Roxas/Ven

I'd do some theorizing myself, but because I still haven't gone through the Final Mix(still waiting for the Re:COM subs), I probably shouldn't. I do think that the Ven/Roxas connection could be that when Sora was small, he met Ven and somehow, he stuck with him. Kind of like the memories of meeting a certain person that you might not ever see again. So, when Sora became Heartless, his memories of Ven became Roxas.

I don't know when the battle with the Enigmatic Soldier took place, but if it's after Roxas merged with Sora, then the ES had every right to be angry. He might have thought that Roxas WAS Ven, and was devastated that he lost him yet again. Or thought he did. However, this wouldn't explain Ven's supposed fate. Will probably have to wait until I actually see more of the Final Mix.

To-Do list:

1. Top Five most painfully difficult Battles--Kingdom Hearts
2. Top Five most glorious Battles--Re: COM
3. The damned Banner
4. Top Five most painfully difficult Battles--Kingdom Hearts 2(not the FM).
5. Axel/Demyx shipping manifesto (Might as well).
6. More could have been done with Demyx.
7. "Luxord could have done more." (Yea, and the same could be said for Demyx).
8. Xaldin banner.
9. KH Icons!

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