Thursday, June 28, 2007

Handheld blablabla

There's still speculation all over the big gun sites about where the next Kingdom Hearts game might be. Some say that'll it'll be on the PS3 (hell, that might give the jump that Sony desperately needs at this time), while others claim that it'll be on a hand half. If it's a 2.5 sort of thing, like Chain of Memories, then it would probably end up on a handheld. GBA is slowly going away, so not that one. So, it would be between the PSP(I hope) and the DS lite. Since COM was on GBA first, then my pessimist side says the DS Lite. I hope it's the PSP since many older PS games are there too, and of the two handhelds, I'd get the PSP.

Course much of what passes for KH news now is just rumors. There doesn't seem to be any translations about characters lately either nor have the Re: COM Basement scenes been completely subbed. Oh well, it's not fair to expect such works to get done quickly since it's fandom stuff. Things certainly have been slow, but I think it's for the best given my increasing "To Do" list. Heh.

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