Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How I group Organization Members Part 2

Just a continuation of part one(the long post below in case you missed it).

10. Space/Time Continuum--Xigbar/Luxord

While others in the fandom tend to go with Xigbar/Demyx or Luxord/Demyx, I tend to go with this one. Of the "Poker Buddies" I can see these two being the closest as the both of them strike me as high risk takers. Both are equally malicious and do it all with flair.

11. Brawn and Brain--Lexeaus/Zexion

Despise disliking Zexion PERIOD, I do like the pairing involving him. Just going through COM makes it pretty easy to pair these two and yet they're not very popular at all. Well, I like them because I see an "Opportunies" sort of pairing between them. "You've got the brawn and I've got the brain! Let's make lots of money!" Thank you, Pet Shop Boys! This could apply to the two above, but it works best for Lex and Zex. Thanfully, Lexeaus is more than just brawn.

12. Savage Garden of Cruel Delights--Marluxia/Larxene

One of my all time favorite het pairings and the favored het in KH2. One is elegantly cruel while the other is just cruel. Both are ambitious and want to rule and King and Queen of the Organization. Much as I like these two, I can't help but think that had they succeeded, it would have ended in more than just tears.

13. Cold Bitter Moon--Vexen/Saix

A "crack" pairing made by a couple of livejournal people I know. It became popular because of the fact that when you think about it, it could work. Saix would be the only Neophyte that Vexen could stand, and Vexen is cruel enough for Saix's enjoyment. It's the sort of relationship where you never really know where the power lies and that's what makes it fun. Also, Saix strikes me as the sort who'd be long suffering for his "Elders".

14. War buddies--Xigbar/Xaldin

You have one member who is laid viciously laid back and the other who is just plain vicious. Both are powerful, both are not to be messed with, and they couldn't be more different. Yet, I'd say they were pretty damned close. Another of the "fun" pairings to work with.

15. Romantic Poets who didn't know it or care--Xemnas/Xaldin

Both are poetic, closet romantics who can't keep their mouths shut. Powerful warriors, and as usual, cruel. Great for philosophy discussions that never end.

16. Pet Berserker--Xemnas/Saix

This is painfully obvious in KH2. Saix functions as the "attack dog", the enforcer, and the observer for Xemnas. Since he is the first of the Neophytes, it stands to reason that he leads them(poor Axel). He is also the "Punisher" of the group. Loads of fun, I'm sure.

17. Mirror Pool--Demyx/Roxas

Since Demyx was the second one to be sent after Roxas, it seemed obvious to me that like Axel, he also had a connection with Roxas. Just the way he sounded(at least in the English version) when he said "Come back to us", and how his first fight reflects Axel's(HAAR! WATER REFLECTS FIRE) tells me that it wasn't just sending some random person who didn't care about Roxas. Then, there's the accusation of "traitor". First, it's technically true. Second, there's also personal reasons for that statement. Maybe Demyx eventually thought of Roxas's actions as a personal betryal. Similar to Luxord's, only it didn't end with a "how could you?" whimper.

So, yea, I tend to believe that these two were good friends. Not so much BFFs, like with Axel, but good friends anyway. I also think that Demyx's death was Roxas's first "trigger" to awaken with Axel being the second, final one. That would explain the threesom too. Huur.

And that's it. As for anything else, I probably just don't group them together or simply didn't think of it. I'm sure others have similar lists for the Organization, I just have't seen them yet. Heh.

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